Supply Lists

See individual teacher names for requested classroom supplies. Provision of items is optional.

  • Bear, Ashley - 3-ring binder (1.5"), wired earbuds, box tissues

  • Bernard, Travis - 3-ring binder, paper, pencil/pen, colored pencils, dry erase markers, markers, Kleenex

  • Brewster, Kimberly - composition notebook, pencil/pen, colored pencils, glue sticks, box of Kleenex

  • Collins, Connie - 1 subject spiral notebook OR 3-ring binder, pencils, coloring pencils, glue sticks, scissors

  • Cope, Jessica - composition notebook, colored pencils, tape, box of Kleenex

  • Cope, Teffany - spiral 1-subject graph paper notebook, pocket folder, highlighters, glue sticks, pencils, pens, Kleenex

  • Dwight, Emily - composition book, pencil or pen, $10 lab fee. Also disinfectant wipes, roll of paper towels OR box of tissues (pick one)

  • Helton, Holly - acrylic paint, Kleenex, paper towels, acetone, glue sticks, colored pencils, makeup wipes, cotton balls, paper places, cups shampoo, conditioner

  • Hipshire, Amber - folder or binder, paper, pencils, highlighters

  • Hobbs, Jeff - graph ruled composition book, 1 roll masking tape, 1 bottle rubber cement OR 1 bottle "Elmer's Glue-All Multi-Purpose Liquid Glue, Extra Strong"

  • Hughes, Kelli - Kleenex

  • Jennings, Kayla - 3-ring binder (at least 2-inch), college-ruled notebook paper, pencils

  • Johnson, Diana - 1.5" 3-ring binder, pencil, paper

  • Jones, Michael - 3-ring binder and composition notebook, clipboard

  • King, Cynthia - 3-subject notebook, pencils, highlighters, colored pencils, glue sticks, scissors, square box Kleenex

  • Lamb, Scott - Kleenex

  • LeRoy, Beth - composition book, glue stick, & folder or binder

  • Little, Leigh Ann - 2" 3-ring binder, loose paper, 4 tab dividers, pencils, pens, highlighters of multiple colors

  • Mullins, Haley - Kleenex (Optional),

    1 1-subject notebook

  • Reid, Kristen - pen/pencil, college-ruled paper, sticky notes, Kleenex, hand sanitizer

  • Sells, Elijah - A spiral-bound notebook, a folder or binder, pens and pencils, and a box of Kleenex

  • Trent, Ted - thin binder, pencil, paper

  • Wilhoit, Kimberly - composition book, pencil/pen, colored pencils

  • Woods, Erika - box of Kleenex OR roll of paper towels, wired earphones/buds, spiral bound notebook and pencils,


    $10 class fee 

  • Wyss, Natalie - 3-ring binder, paper, pencil/pen, box Kleenex